
2day thinking bOut da OutcOme Of knOwing wad class we gOing tuh ytd makes me feel even sadder...i feel rly lOst cOs i rly cant accept dat i hav tuh part wif all Of my best frenz all u nOe?nOrt One Or twO but all!!dis marks...same fer my lit...i dun usually dO wy dO dis things always happen tuh happen tuh me?at 1st i was rly happy tuh receive da slip On wad class we gOing tuh at da 1st time...but nOw nO mOre da subject cOmbinatiOn given tuh me dun suit me at eng results iish actually very lOusy...jus dat fer Once i scOre dis... i'm rly nOrt gud in eng related subjects...ever since pri sch my results r jus bOrderline passes...i'm nOrt interested in lit at all...i lyk da subjects cOmbinatiOn given tuh me during da 1st time dey r eng,chinese,a-maths,e-maths,cOmbined sci(phy/chem),ss/geog & art...nOw becOme eng,chinese,a-maths,e-maths,cOmbined sci(phy/chem),ss/geOg & lit!!I'm sure i'll dO badly in lit...I'll give it a try but if i rly cannOt cOpe hOpefully da tr will change my class tuh 3e5 & nOt w8 til sec4 den change...all da best tuh all my frenz...hOpefully dey can cOpe well...thks fer reading...sry i'm rly in bad mOod 4give me if i yelled at u...sry...i'm jus in a bad mOod...
tadas~ @10:39 AM
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
bad mOod:((

2day mOrning i wOke up early as i'm rly excited tuh nOe da class dat i'll b in nxt yr...i'm osO quite sad as my wish did nOrt came true da subject cOmbinatiOn dat i want wasn't given tuh me...i'm separated frOm many Of my best frenz...i had predicted dat me & dawn will b separated...I'm rly sad & cOnfused nOw cOs my mOod iish rly badly affected...I hate tuh part wif my best frenz thOugh we still can meet but nOrt as lOng we hav mOre subjects tuh fOcus On nOw...we hav tuh rly put in effOrt in Our studies nOw...cOs it'll b 'O' levels sOon...I'll try my best tuh study hard & scOre well fer my exams sO easier get intO a gud pOly Or JC...all da best tuh all my frenz study hard & pay attentiOn in class...hOpe dat we can keep in cOntact by updating each Other Our cOntact nO.s when we change dem...I'm rly sry sm fer da harsh wOrds which i hav said...i'm jus in a bad mOod...sry everyOne...i guess i'll jus hav tuh accept da fact & study hard tuh prOve dat i can dO it...jyjy all take care buhbyes!!thks 4 reading ((:
tadas~ @9:34 PM
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
da day b4 ytd ((:
on 18 nov 07 i went tuh dawn's hse...i bOught her breakfast we ate tgt & watch tv fer awhile til 2pm++.den we went tuh da basketball cOurt tuh play basketball jus lyk da day b4.we saw dat guys we play wif lyk da
day b4.we play fer awhile & it started raining,we dun care as it was Oni drizzling.we were hOping dat da rain willl stOp...yeah it did stOp but came bec again fer lyk 4-6times.fOlowing iish a huge thuderstOrm we cant play animOre as da rain was rly fierce.all Of us went under a shelter.we chatted bOut Our primary sch frenz & wad happened during Our sch lives...ltr da wind brOught da rain inside da shelter sO we went tuh da lift lObby @ dawn's hse.i asked da guy's names & i asked shu ying fer his nO. fer dawn...dun tink wrongly but its because it'll b easier den we can cOntact den arrange when tuh play basketball & dawn went bec tuh dawn's hse leaving da 2 guys @ da lift lObby ((Xden dey started smsing each Other shu ying asked dawn can gO dawn's hse anOrt den she reply her kOr @ hm sO cant...den shu ying's dad came tuh fetch dem tuh cp da arcade dere play...da rain nvr stOp til 7pm den i went hm lerhs ((:
tadas~ @9:50 AM
Saturday, November 17, 2007
about da streaming trouble...

hiax...upOn receiving da call On thu i tOt it'll b a gud news fer all dOse hu r unsatisfy wif deir class as i tOt dat dey can change deir class tuh a better One but it seems dat it may be a wOrst news nOw sigh*...i heard dat our level ranking iish changing as a class gOrt mistake as deir tr havent add in deir CA or SA sci results...tuh mOst ppl i tink dat Our level ranking iish gOnna fall T.T nOw maybe mOre ppl will b sad as when dey gOt intO a gud class nOw maybe hav tuh change tuh a wOrst class hOpe dat my class & dawn's class wun change i hOpe dat we still get da G3 cOmbinatiOn sigh* may god bless all Of u :)) yay can find Out sOon lerhs :)) take care all :DD
tadas~ @2:45 PM
Saturday, November 10, 2007
2e5 class outing

i wanna join da class in da class outing but am afraid tuh tell u all...erm dun wanna miss out da last time which we can meet up but wad can i do?i'll try my best tuh ask u all on tues hopefully i can join in...its da last time dat we can meet as a class rights?dun wish tuh hav ani regrets ehs hahas:)ling jiie we'll always be best of godsis huhs?i mean we wun jus forget out sistership when we changes our class lets keep in touch all dun wanna 4get da fun times we had tgt u guys meant da whole world tuh me...rmb when we were in sec1 all were so childish...rmb when our egg cracked but we denied & said dat benny had hatched out of it...was quite funny when i think bec now...rmb how all of us used tuh hate maths except for ghee wei but now our grades had improved alot all thks tuh mrs wang & miss seet...i rly thk the trs fer da effort dat dey hav been putting in...glad i had made sum improvements in my studies i'll work hard fer da future miss u guys:))
tadas~ @11:47 AM
2e5 will always b my greatest memories:)

thinking dat we'll b soon apart its lyk tearing my heart slowly...i always hated dis feeling as all of u means alot tuh me T.T as days goes by da time we have tgt slowly rly breaks my heart tuh c all of us leaving though its only miles away but da feeling makes me feel kinda lost.i'm sure most of us hav dis feeling jus dat we dunnoe how tuh express it:( lets spend our time tgt wonderfully & meaningfully:)nxt tues may be our last time having da whole class outing...hope dat da class gathering dat 2e5 has organised b a success so dat we can meet for a last time...i hate tuh say gudbyes but hav no choice...u guys will always b my best of memories...all da best in ur studies may we b frenz forever:)take care all:)
tadas~ @11:26 AM