Thursday, November 22, 2007

2day thinking bOut da OutcOme Of knOwing wad class we gOing tuh ytd makes me feel even sadder...i feel rly lOst cOs i rly cant accept dat i hav tuh part wif all Of my best frenz all u nOe?nOrt One Or twO but all!!dis marks...same fer my lit...i dun usually dO wy dO dis things always happen tuh happen tuh me?at 1st i was rly happy tuh receive da slip On wad class we gOing tuh at da 1st time...but nOw nO mOre da subject cOmbinatiOn given tuh me dun suit me at eng results iish actually very lOusy...jus dat fer Once i scOre dis... i'm rly nOrt gud in eng related subjects...ever since pri sch my results r jus bOrderline passes...i'm nOrt interested in lit at all...i lyk da subjects cOmbinatiOn given tuh me during da 1st time dey r eng,chinese,a-maths,e-maths,cOmbined sci(phy/chem),ss/geog & art...nOw becOme eng,chinese,a-maths,e-maths,cOmbined sci(phy/chem),ss/geOg & lit!!I'm sure i'll dO badly in lit...I'll give it a try but if i rly cannOt cOpe hOpefully da tr will change my class tuh 3e5 & nOt w8 til sec4 den change...all da best tuh all my frenz...hOpefully dey can cOpe well...thks fer reading...sry i'm rly in bad mOod 4give me if i yelled at u...sry...i'm jus in a bad mOod...
tadas~ @10:39 AM