Saturday, November 24, 2007
bad day...

2day was a fun day fer me as i went tuh a "carnival" Organised by SGH wif my family...i was rly thrilled as i received lOads Of gOodies & gOody bag...ltr shu ying smsed me & asked me tuh gO tuh dawn's hse asap as dawn's mum was yelling at him..sumtimes i rly find dawn's mum unreasOnable as she always stares at me fer nO reasOn...One day i bOught black carrOt cake fer all Of dem nOrt Oni dOes her mum nOrt appreciate she even glared at me...2day i went tuh dawn's hse i was jus jOkking wif her mum den her brO gOrt angry & scOlded me behind my bec...wanna scOld,scOld me in my face larhs y scOld me behind my bec?If dawn's brO scOlded me in my face i'll reply him,"ur mum osO always diaO me fer nO reasOn den can larhs...keep saying pOinting Out my bad pOints & ask me dO dis & dat fer her...lyk her prOb lyk dat...she can diaO me cant i jOke wif her?"hiax...
tadas~ @10:31 PM