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Friday, May 08, 2009

whoa ytd was cousin julz's BIG day.she's officially 25.but she wasted the day away by working.hiax.such a good looker but yet a workaholic.I hope she gets a good man she deserves soon xD gawd i'm such a blockhead.i actually forgot to bring the present for best friend.i rmb her b'day but forgot to bring the gift.i'm so sorry best friend.i didnt mean to forget.ss paper was btr than i expected.first time in my life,i completed the full paper with only one qns left out.hahas.yupp you're so right.i've screwed science(physics).i'll blame nobody but myself.no worries.i'm good.i wont commit the same mistake again i swear and cross my heart to die if i do.i think i'm like a tardy queen in terms of my thinking.i actually left my pencil in my bag and went for CL listening compre.i told THS then he asked ppl who obviously have only one pencil on their table if they've got one to spare.he only asked two students.i was lyk nvm -.- the person sitting beside me obviously has one to spare and yet he didnt ask.i dont blame him its my fault anyway to be to tarded in my reaction.
p/s: autumn jiie ltr i'll chant for 30mins as a promise alright?

tadas~ @3:07 PM