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Sunday, May 03, 2009

i've always dread waking up on a sunday morning as it always mean that i'll hafta attend sch da nxt day.come to think of it,life's been relatively dull to me.everyday is just a repeated cycle.wake up,wash up,go sch,go home,nap,study,slp and blah blah blah...shall add colours to my life by taking up jap aft "o"s.jap language sounds awesome and sweet unlike how s'poreans speak.so uncouth.jap gals are like drop dead gorgeous?i wish i was one of `em...hahas.i crave to pick up drumming,hiphop dance then taekwondo.but not anytime soon i guess,cause my family is kinda cash-strapped.i loathe myself for being so unmotivated.lyk duh.who wants to be unmotivated esp when they're taking "o"s?i'll do my best alright?i'm gonna nap now and revise ltr.ja ne!

tadas~ @6:09 PM