today marks da day whar i,lolita & peilin becomes gan!yay i'm sho loving its yeahs?i'm currently at dawn's hse((:cos of sumthing =Xanw i hec care lerhs wanna scold scold & pls larhs reflect on urself...maybe a mirror would do da job...lao hu bu fa wei ba wo dang bing mao...gou shi gai bu liao chi shi dan wo bing bu shi gou!ni ren wei wo shi jia xing xing,wo ye mei ban fa fan zhen ni dou bu jie shou wo suo shuo de hua!suan le wo wen xin wu kui!
tadas~ @11:10 PM
Domo Fan
Hello. I'm known to everyone as domokun. I feel so misunderstood throughout my life because people have labelled me as "the monster who loves destroying buildings". Some meanies just love to put me into trouble by photoshopping pictures after pictures to depict how ferocious I am. Sigh. The thing is, I can't close my mouth, that's why people are tricked into believing that I'm a monster. In fact I have no intentions of destroying anything. Please don't judge me by my appearance!
-new bag for 2010
-8 pts for "o" lvls
-take up jap class
-new image for 2010
-take up drum class
-take taekwondo class
-new hairstyle for 2010
-new pencil case for 2010
-soft rebonding in nov'09
-slim down to 52kg & 170cm
-take up hiphop dance class