2e5 rules

reminising makes me v.glad dat i've been posted to peihwa sec...i rmbered da day when i got tuh noe wad sch i've been posted tuh...i was shocked & lost @ 1st as my dream sch was compassvale sec...but thk god my agg. score was oni 206 den i was posted tuh peihwa...dat was da turning point of my life...i was a quiet lonely gal during my pri sch days...but when i came tuh sec sch i was more socialable...i rmb dat my 1st fren in dis sch was lolita...ever since she had been my best fren den i knew dawn,shining,huiting,wanling,michel,mingching,jeannette & so on.its was rly fun when we had da sec 1 orientation camp...dawn was saying dat she would not slp but she's da 1st tuh fall aslp!hah!den i rmbered i told lolita bout sumthing lyk uncontrollably den we luff & luff...ltr we decided tuh use da torchlite tuh brighten da hall...da tr came & we pretended tuh slp how fun!!!last yrs class chalet was da best i had had...we went cycling,rollerblading,BBQing.we went tuh mac @ nite & we ate real lOads(dats y i'm 60kg now arghs!!)but thkfully cos of dis i decided tuh lose weight...now tidbits has became my enemy!i hate chips especially...my face got cure alr cos i noe of a brand which can clear impurities...yay...got 1 type of chocolates oso can burn ur body fats into energy wah!!!hmm...wonder how i'll look lyk when i'm slim & hav a smooth complexion...
tadas~ @12:19 PM