2e5 rules

reminising makes me v.glad dat i've been posted to peihwa sec...i rmbered da day when i got tuh noe wad sch i've been posted tuh...i was shocked & lost @ 1st as my dream sch was compassvale sec...but thk god my agg. score was oni 206 den i was posted tuh peihwa...dat was da turning point of my life...i was a quiet lonely gal during my pri sch days...but when i came tuh sec sch i was more socialable...i rmb dat my 1st fren in dis sch was lolita...ever since she had been my best fren den i knew dawn,shining,huiting,wanling,michel,mingching,jeannette & so on.its was rly fun when we had da sec 1 orientation camp...dawn was saying dat she would not slp but she's da 1st tuh fall aslp!hah!den i rmbered i told lolita bout sumthing lyk uncontrollably den we luff & luff...ltr we decided tuh use da torchlite tuh brighten da hall...da tr came & we pretended tuh slp how fun!!!last yrs class chalet was da best i had had...we went cycling,rollerblading,BBQing.we went tuh mac @ nite & we ate real lOads(dats y i'm 60kg now arghs!!)but thkfully cos of dis i decided tuh lose weight...now tidbits has became my enemy!i hate chips especially...my face got cure alr cos i noe of a brand which can clear impurities...yay...got 1 type of chocolates oso can burn ur body fats into energy wah!!!hmm...wonder how i'll look lyk when i'm slim & hav a smooth complexion...
tadas~ @12:19 PM
Saturday, January 19, 2008
i v.bawdy
tadas~ @8:30 PM
Friday, January 18, 2008
forever luv
today,i'm real elated as me,mavis,joey & megan has became best frenz well i dunnoe fer `em but fer me i feel rly glad tuh hav `em as best frenz...after sch today,i stayed back tuh w8 fer mavis & miao dan til deir CCA ends...i'm oso rly happy as many ppl said dat my complexion had improved lOts((:i'm oso proud of myself as i finally apologised tuh miao dan face tuh face((:after sch me,mavis&md went tuh cp fer shopping after dat we dispersed & went home...being wif mavis makes me feel real enjoyable as i dun nid tuh pretend tuh b sumone else...anw i'm trying tuh mend my ways & become charismatic hopefully i can achieve dis & plus slim down & hav smooth complexion...MAVIS,JOEY & MEGAN HOPEFULLY WE CAN B FRENZ 4EVER((:study hard all cheers...
tadas~ @6:07 PM
Sunday, January 13, 2008
12 Jan 08

today morning,my dad bought me sliced fish thick vermilice.den afternoon,i called my mum & told her i wanna eat "tau huay" den she bought me & my sis a bowl each.during da evening,my family went to compass point to eat.ltr we watched da lion dance.i went home after dat & smsed Joey again.i enjoyed chatting wif her.but after awhile she nvr replied my sms...i guess she iish either sick of me or irritated.hiax...i rly wanna noe her more by communicating wif her...hopefully she doesn't get upset...how i wish she can see dis.Joey i jus wanna noe u better & not wanna irritate u on purpose.hope dat we can become great buddies...if u dun lyk me to sms u always u can tell me & i wont.((:i gonna slp soon.buhbyes!
tadas~ @8:28 PM
Saturday, January 12, 2008
12 Jan 08

today morning,i smsed Joey & fOund out dat we hav alOt in cOmmOn.I've decided dat she'll remain as a great fren or a gd buddy tO me even if ppl try tO backstab us((:I wOke up & watch 东游记 nxt i watch da dunnOe wad shOw abOut da seniOr citizens...den i went tO change my bedsheets,pillowsheets & bOlstersheets.nxt i used the vacumn machine to vacumn da floor til its sparkling clean.den i went to bathe.after i finish eating i went to do my hmwk...damn it da A-maths was damn difficult to sOlve i wreck my brains but still could'nt sOlve sO i went tO use da cOm hOping dat One Of my classmates will on9 but nObOdy was!!!hiax guess i'll hav tO dO it tmr Or mOn!!!arghs ltr mr hO scold me!!anw i'll try tO sOlve it((:
tadas~ @6:58 PM
when i 1st met Joey

on thursday,10 Jan 08 was da 1st time I chat wif Joey frOm our class.i tink i'll nvr chat wif her if nOt fer megan.i rly thk megan fer dat((:i tink she's quite pretty & cute?!?hahas...she's sumtimes sarcastic but i'm far off wOrst den her as my sarcasm always hurt othersT.T i'm trying very hard tO change my bad habits nOw as i wanna hav mOre frenz & hOpe dat dey'll feel much mOre cOmfOrtable being tgt wif me ((: hahas...I feel dat me & Joey hav very much in cOmmOn sO maybe we'll becOme best frenz as time passes((: well she & my gan jiie tOld me dat i shldn't change myself fer da sake of others or i wOn't b me anm...i guess wad dey said make sense but dis habit iish rly bad & hurting tO b sarcastic tOwards others...sry tO thOse ppl whOm i may hav hurt but i dun mean `em dun take it tO heart kaess?cheers((: Joey lets stay as best/great frenz 4ever!!
tadas~ @6:48 PM
Friday, January 11, 2008
a few weeks ago i went to tampines mall for shopping of clothes.i went to samuel & kelvin @ tampines mall & bought 4 i.p zone ladies top wear dey costs $8.90 per piece...i tell u as long as u r a gal u'll luv it cos dey look gorgeous on every gal...den nxt week i went to buy 2 mini shorts i wanna slim down & clear my acne so dat i can become prettier well every gal wishes to b pretty so do I...hopefully access bar can burn away my fats til i'm 50kg i'll study hard fer sure...i'll try to score all A's i promise...pls god help me in jesus name I pray Amen((:
tadas~ @4:22 PM