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Thursday, January 31, 2008
why whyyes hwhyyes?

y does dis always happens i rly hated tuh b pimple-stricken & here's my advice fer ppl who dun wanna b lyk me:wash ur face 3times a day & twice everytime.try nort tuh eat fried food.say no tuh crackers.dun gossip as i believe god will give u dis punishment,eat more veges & fish.anw i rly cant wait fer LNY tuh arrive cos i can sho meet my biao mei & di wah^^hehes.actually i'm a caring gal but if u dun accept my `care` i'll leave u alone after many advices...i'm sry fer being sarcastic @ times but i nid tuh change dat i noe by 21 feb i promise((:i lurrbe sports & hanging out wif my sweetiies & nvr give up on true frenz^^ppl i'll revise my work after da new year instead of watching useless programmes hope u all will do da same^^sumtimes i may b harsh @ words as i rly wanna make u improve but since u dun care nvm i'll teach my frenz wad dey dunnoe from wad i' learn^^i'm a bit quiet when i dunnoe u cos i'm lyk shy or sumthing yeahs...i find it difficult tuh b frenz wif ppl who looks great as my sefl-esteem lowers when being wif `em i'm oso afraid dat dey'll feel uncomfortable being wif me cos i'm ugly...if my face become as smooth as i was when i'm young,i promise tuh chat wif u(gd-looking ppl) more often k?smiless iish da ans tuh all troubles^^

tadas~ @4:19 PM

my tots fer tday

hmm today was a pretty interesting day^^I had learn how tuh solve da graph thinggy using various methods^^tday chinese lessons was pretty boring well but @least we get tuh chat^^
hiax i rly dunnoe how she'll change lehs constant rmders dun help @ all!!hiax Joey show us all dat u can do it by paying attetion in class,ask qns when in doubt,complete hw properly on time...I'll do da same & study hard in order nort fer u tuh beat me & u must study hard tuh prove me wrong dat I said u aint b able tuh beat me k?seriously no hard feelings alrites?wow had a hearty chat wif hm & hq^^anw i've decided tuh change my blog name cos its lyk too lame & no meaning behind it so i wanna be charismatic but dunnnoe can do it or nOrts sho i wrote www.wannabecharisma.blogspot.com hahas^^

tadas~ @4:12 PM

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

wah so many ppl b'day but i'm gonna buy ppl whom i tot treated me well gifts or ppl whom i rly wanna b frenz wif...ppl whom i'll buy gifts 4:wanling,melissa,michel,lolita,xinyi,kimberly,yvonne...ppl who i MAY buy gifts fer:huiting,stacie,guiqin,mavis,megan,mingching,shining,dawn...
ppl which i nvr mentioned means 60% i'm nort giving u ur gift anw happy b'day=]

tadas~ @6:08 PM

my emotions

hiax...day by day i feel worst!!ARGHS!!!my pimples r gettin on my nerves...y must my mum hav pimples...past da genes tuh me ARGHS!!anw today after sch lunched at da canteen...after dat saw wt den i asked her tuh lend me da ans sht sho dat i can mark my chem's ans...i found out dat i had left my wksht in da class sho i,wt & ht went tuh 3e4...b4 we left i told sweetiie dat i'll b going tuh da class fer awhile...thinking dat thy hast heard me i went up...after dat thy came tuh my class & scolded me hmm...i went tuh da ladies den i dunnoe how tuh face her den i went tuh canteen collect miie bag & ht thy left hiax...den i waited fer ht den went home tgt humph...long time nvr c pamela alr 2 yrs lehs den we chat wif her tall fren after dat legged home^^

tadas~ @5:51 PM

Tuesday, January 29, 2008
after sch

today after sch went tuh my sweetiest sweetie's hse...i went tuh her hse use com make my blog den...called Bryan & Jun Heng tuh accompany us tuh play bball but it rained sho we went tuh da voideck tuh play ali bomb after dat ppl stolen our "di pan" sho we went tuh play blk catchin den it stopped raining(cos i sang da song umbrella no larhs jk^^)den we went tuh bbc played bball & matched wif Bryan & Jun Heng...after a while,a few NCH students came sho we said oni if we play match tgt den dey can share our court sho dey did..nxt da bball went out & it was our team's ball den Bryan took da bball den he say yo man & dribble around showing off his "skills" den da NCH guy let out his legs & Bryan went flat on da ground u can imagine how awkward he was but anw dun mean tuh luff at him sry arhs Bryan fer da post after dat we went tuh sufie's(dunnoe spelt correctly anOrts?!?)hse buy icepop den walk tuh sweetiie's^^hse & watch tv awhile den i legged home^^buaiis gonna revise fer chem tmr must do well i kinda lyk dis subject...sry mrs dan i nvr mark da wkshts but i promise tuh give `em tuh u by tmr after schT.T

tadas~ @7:47 PM


today woke up at 6.3oam v.shiok cos i had slept 9.30pm ytd((:went tuh bathe & cleansed my face...wah so maniie pimples sprouting from my face AGAIN!!!ARGHS!!!i had not eaten tidbits fer wks & close tuh a mth...washed my face regularly but still it HAPPENS!!!perhaps iish hormones 失调 wah pek chek!!!hopefully eveyone who hav pimples lyk me will end deir agony when dey reached 18...anw went tuh sch AGAIN!!gottten bec my chinese cheng yu derh results wah more pek chek!!!scored 22/40 dumb me tuh tink i'm in da 1st class v.embarrassed!nehminds cos i'll rly pay attention & do my revision at hm so dat i'll score well!A-maths,e-maths,chinese,chem must score A1s eng,phy,ss,geog must score atleast a B3!!i wont retain i oso wont let da my frenz tuh retain e.g shu qiang & u noe who...den i got tuh noe my e-maths test derh grade wah 24/30 pek chek again i wanna score full marks or 1 marks lesser den full marks lyk i used tuh score when i was in sec2e5 miss seet & mrs wang thks fer all ur help or i'll still b a E8 student thks lOads^^hmm ghee wei gratz on ur great improvement in ur chines(well @least tuh me)^^ jyjy all my sweeties dun disappoint me must b promoted & do well^^

tadas~ @7:34 PM

Sunday, January 27, 2008
Ghostly encounter

my mum told me dat she had a ghostly encounter once when she went tuh live in my 3rd Ah yi's hse.She was slping & she kept feeling dat her leg was being pulled but she rmbered dat nobody was in da hse except fer her so she hec care...after dat it happens again so she look down & saw a figure den she chase after it...it ran towards da kitchen & disappeared.WAH SCARY!if i was her i'll b scared out of my wits!!

tadas~ @9:20 AM


mother: Wad r u looking fer,louie?
Louie:I'm looking fer a dollar coin.
mother:Whar did u lose da coin?
Louie:I din lose it I jus want one^^

Deres two boy travelling on a boat.
Out of a suddden,water came rushing into deir boat.
So Porkie make another hole for da water to escape((:

Lily:If martians live on Mars,Venusians live on Venus,
whar do fleas live?
Lilia:I give up!Whar do fleas live?
Lily:On pluto.As in pluto,mickey's pet dog^^

A rooster lays an egg on top of a triangular roof.
Which direction do u tink da egg will roll towards?
Ans:None roosters cant lay eggs!HA!

tadas~ @9:10 AM

hiax days past by sO quickly

as i was tinking,i feel dat days has been passing by quickly den ever...last year time was lyk nvr ending but dis yr days seems tuh hav mind Of deir Own dey kept running causing us ppl tuh get Older quicker!ARGHS!last time Our weekends r lyk equals tuh two days while nOw its lyk One day!humph!gOsh sO i decided tuh dO wadever i lyk b4 it becOmes tOo late...treating frenz better wearing mOre b-e-a-u-tiful clothes...gOing Out mOre Often...studying hard...playing mOre spOrts...nOrt temperamental HA!anw buaiis i gOnna dO my hw alr b4 i get scOlding^^

tadas~ @9:04 AM

Saturday, January 26, 2008
little prince musical

today Geraldine called me & told me tuh bring a new fren by da name of Huimin tuh go tuh da SSA da little prince musical...i went tuh cp da old chang kee dere w8 fer her...after w8ing fer a long time she finally came...hmm den we went tuh tampines st81 da SSA dere...wah da show was kinda lame but da great thing iish dat da musical iish darn entertaining & funniie wah its a pity Joey & Megan nvr go hmm...den i saw Mavis wah she let down hair oso quite chio de lehs...hmm den we hav our FD meeting den me & my ppl went tuh eat den I & Huimin went home tgt den i went tuh cp tuh get Joey a b'day gift hope she lyks it cos i rly do...giving her da necklace wif da word luv on it dun mean dat i luv her worhs i nort lesbian worhs!HA!anw i jus find it lovely so i bought it for her hopes she treasure it ppl if u noe me less den a year DUN GET ME A GIFT COS I WONT ACCEPT IT!COS I DUN RLY NOE U YET SO DUN BOTHER BUYING ME A GIFT THKS ANW FER DA TOT!^^

tadas~ @6:31 PM

hiax sianx!!!

wah tOday megan smsed me & say she cant gO hmm...i dunnOe whether tuh b happy Or nOrts cOs if she gOes i had tuh gO hOme earlier & cant gO shOpping if she dun i dunnOe hOw tuh explain tuh Kerene perhaps its a gd thing cOs jus nOw Geraldine called me & tOld me tuh bring a gal by da name Of Huimin tuh gO tuh da SSA little prince musical ha!yay i can hav a new fren wahahaha((:anw i'm nOw currently waiting fer my mum tuh cOme hOme den we gO fetch Huimin & gO tuh SSA tgt^^glad siax...hmm after dat we gOnna gO shOpping after da musical Of cOs if Huimin iish nOrt rushing fer time den we can gO Or else i had tuh bring her hOme^^anw buaiis hav a niice day :P

tadas~ @12:19 PM

Friday, January 25, 2008
wah i so damn bad!!!

well i feel rather guilty treating my frenz badly over da past two yrs...i've decided if i wanna change i'll make da change obvious no more hurtful words & vulgarities!i've always ask lols & all she said tuh me was "yeah u r quite sarcastic @ times but we r used tuh it" so i tot it wasn't a prob til J told me dat i was v.sarcastic no wonder all my frenz aint truthful ones...so i told her says hu i had loads of truthful frenz jus dat i dunnoe how tuh treasure & appreciate `em...sry bestiies & sweetiies i've been saying it since i dunnoe when but da change iish so minor dat no one seems tuh noticed it hmm...actually i had many true frenz its jus dat i want `em all tuh myself.selfish huh?so pls give me a month tuh change deadline iish 21feb08...thks J fer da feedback anws...我一定会做个前事不忘,后事之师的人!pls pardon my childishness by da end of feb i'll not b temperamental anm i'll control my temper but pls ppl dun b over da limits & i wont b furious((:

tadas~ @3:31 PM

bei feng chui guo de xia tian((:

went tuh sch lyk any other day...pondering wad will i say tuh her(gal) when we meet each other after a cold war...anw i dun mean tuh hav a cold war lyk dis but i'm v.temperamental!yupps those who noes me...i'm gonna improve my char deadline iish 21 feb 08 k?atleast i'll try tuh change alittle hmm...sry gal i dun usually flare up on my friend so badly dat u even ignored `em but idk wads gotten into me maybe i was possessed...wah today i ask u tuh copy da eng notes u say dat i care fer u & u r moved wah din noe siax^^anw if u dun lyk me tuh "care" fer u pls tell me rites? :P anw i do feel fer my frenz yup i'm hurt when i c `em feeling hurt or emo yeahs?actually iish tuh those frenz whom will accept my help e.g.2e5.i was v. derh tired & i omos fall aslp during math lesson but anw when it was ur royal highness' lesson,i'll always pay attention as i rly hope dat my eng will improve...i oso enjoy listening tuh ur jokes^^my targets for subjects: E-maths(A1),Chinese(A1),A-maths(A2),Chemistry(A2),Eng(B3-A2),Lit(B3),SS(B3),Physics(B3) & Geog(B3)

tadas~ @2:25 PM

Thursday, January 24, 2008
da day u went away

as usual i went tuh sch dis morning anxious tuh find out how u'll react after receiving my sms...during da 1st few periods we had test so we had no chance to chat...after break,i started tuh speak tuh u but u r lyk so reluctant tuh reply so i was lyk ok fine...maybe its perhaps wad i had smsed u...after awhile u were alriteys...i tot we were fine but when sch ended u r lyk so dunnoe me...i rly wondered y...den when i took out my fone i found out dat u tot i tot u were irritating but tuh me u r NOT!!!maybe u read too much into it hmm...i was agitated den i decided dat maybe we nided sumtimes b4 we can rly adapt tuh each other's behaviour & character...maybe we can den b frenz when we understnad each other better((:how i wish 2e5 as dere iish nvr an ending tuh our funfilled days T.T anw i jus wanna apologise tuh u alrites?hopefully we can help each other as peers in academically & physically((: jus tuh tell u i treat omost every1 in dis world as frenz @ 1st but if dey detest me i'll jus choose tuh let go...nvm lolita(she's not da u) we best frenz 4ever k?no1 shld b able tuh backstab us worhs...3 cheers 4 lolita & miie hiphiphurray hiphiphurray hiphiphurray...all my gan jiie,meiis u all r always my best siblings i ever had & i dun regret having u all as siblings((;smiless always

tadas~ @5:18 PM

Tuesday, January 22, 2008
bout miie boring live...

i went today jus lyk any other days...during chinese lesson ms koh always invite us tuh read da text from da txbk...ying xuan was da 1st tuh read...den denton...baodong tot he could get away but was still called by denton((:i'm so relieved when ms koh told us dat da cheng yu test got helping words if not i'm sure bound tuh fail((:as usual,we were lectured but dis time by mrs ng...pupils from our class are always sent out!i jus dun understand y cant dey jus complete da work in time...mrs ng iish alr v.lenient tuh us by giving us notes & ample time tuh complete da work...we r v.fortunate as we hav alot of tr.s dat produces results...lyk mrs ng & mr ho...during e-maths we were taught another new method of solving equations again...i pick up da formula easily!during geog i tot i was in deep s**t as i had found out dat i nvr brought my geog wksht tuh sch...but thkfully i was able tuh get away wif it & am gonna hand in during da nxt geog lesson...mrs singh wanted sumone tuh volunteer tuh b da geog rep since nobody vonlunteered & da role of da rep iish jus tuh collect & give out assignments,i vonlunteered myself((:during ss we were discussing bout da POG thinggy den was time fer FT...i had nth tuh do as i had alr completed da wk ytd nite...after sch i heard sum commotion going on downstairs den i peeped out of da windows da lower sec was quarrelling...as i went near da argument heated so i decided tuh go out & take a look but tuh my disappointment da argument ended so i went tuh compass tuh buy my ss text((:

tadas~ @4:24 PM

Monday, January 21, 2008
about me & chio bu

hmm...i'm v.sure many ppl r real curious y am i so afraid tuh b tgt wif da chio bu...erm cos dey r gd looking & i'm not...oso i hav low self esteem...being tgt wif `em further reduce my self esteem yeah?i not lesbian cos i lyk guys!!i jus envy `em for being gd looking *sigh*...anw i wanna become slim & hav smooth facial complexion so dat i'll look jus as great yeah?joey i rly do enjoy chatting wif u yeah?i'm so looking forward tuh chinese new year...as da ang paos wif big notes inside `em r alr awaiting me woohooo!!!i feel sum improvement within me as i felt dat i do care fer ppl around me...i'm rly worried fer ppl who always refuses tuh hand in deir hw on time...hw iish a form of practice if u dun do it properly,its equals tuh not preparing fer ur exams...i rly hope dat everyone in our class will be promoted...i oso start tuh feel guilty about da pain dat i hav caused in many ppl...i'm determined tuh treat ppl around me better so dat dey'll not hav any hard feelings & i wont b guilty((:中三的第四快捷班我们一起向梦想jyjyjy!!!

tadas~ @5:01 PM

Sunday, January 20, 2008

i rly feel dat i've changed quite alot...last yr i'm jus a imature teen who always go round teasing ppl T.T i rly feel guilty having said those words but i dun mean `em...frm tmr onwards,i'll try tuh b more caring towards others & less or shld i say not sarcastic...i rly wanna b charismatic & i do want ppl to feel gd being tgt wif me...joey i'm rly glad dat u hav da determination tuh change hopefully u practice wad u preach & pls help me improve my eng as i rly wanna b promoted tuh sec3...hmm mavis we seems tuh b fated tuh noe each other i'll treasure all my friends from today onwards as da saying goes 今日不知明日事!all i can say is mend ur ways b4 its too late & better b late den nvr..."good better best, nvr let it rest, til ur good is better and ur better best!"加油加油加油!

tadas~ @2:16 PM

mavis,joey & megan welcome tuh being my new darlings((:

hmm...while waiting fer Geraldine jiie jiie tuh come tuh my hse tuh give me da tickets tuh da little prince musical,i've decided tuh post dis entry.Joey,Mavis & Megan welcome tuh my friendlist((:glad tuh hav u gals as buddies of cos!i'm rly lOoking 4ward tuh da musical...cos on dat day its oso my mum's b'day((:anw lolita,
shining, huiting, dawn, wanling, michel, mingching, jeannette, melissa, xinyi, lindsey, esther, jianhui, junice, huiqi, jonathan & all my 2e5 classmates u guys rawks woooooooooooohooooooooooo((:

tadas~ @12:43 PM

2e5 rules

reminising makes me v.glad dat i've been posted to peihwa sec...i rmbered da day when i got tuh noe wad sch i've been posted tuh...i was shocked & lost @ 1st as my dream sch was compassvale sec...but thk god my agg. score was oni 206 den i was posted tuh peihwa...dat was da turning point of my life...i was a quiet lonely gal during my pri sch days...but when i came tuh sec sch i was more socialable...i rmb dat my 1st fren in dis sch was lolita...ever since she had been my best fren den i knew dawn,shining,huiting,wanling,michel,mingching,jeannette & so on.its was rly fun when we had da sec 1 orientation camp...dawn was saying dat she would not slp but she's da 1st tuh fall aslp!hah!den i rmbered i told lolita bout sumthing lyk uncontrollably den we luff & luff...ltr we decided tuh use da torchlite tuh brighten da hall...da tr came & we pretended tuh slp how fun!!!last yrs class chalet was da best i had had...we went cycling,rollerblading,BBQing.we went tuh mac @ nite & we ate real lOads(dats y i'm 60kg now arghs!!)but thkfully cos of dis i decided tuh lose weight...now tidbits has became my enemy!i hate chips especially...my face got cure alr cos i noe of a brand which can clear impurities...yay...got 1 type of chocolates oso can burn ur body fats into energy wah!!!hmm...wonder how i'll look lyk when i'm slim & hav a smooth complexion...

tadas~ @12:19 PM

Saturday, January 19, 2008
i v.bawdy


tadas~ @8:30 PM

Friday, January 18, 2008
forever luv

today,i'm real elated as me,mavis,joey & megan has became best frenz well i dunnoe fer `em but fer me i feel rly glad tuh hav `em as best frenz...after sch today,i stayed back tuh w8 fer mavis & miao dan til deir CCA ends...i'm oso rly happy as many ppl said dat my complexion had improved lOts((:i'm oso proud of myself as i finally apologised tuh miao dan face tuh face((:after sch me,mavis&md went tuh cp fer shopping after dat we dispersed & went home...being wif mavis makes me feel real enjoyable as i dun nid tuh pretend tuh b sumone else...anw i'm trying tuh mend my ways & become charismatic hopefully i can achieve dis & plus slim down & hav smooth complexion...MAVIS,JOEY & MEGAN HOPEFULLY WE CAN B FRENZ 4EVER((:study hard all cheers...

tadas~ @6:07 PM

Sunday, January 13, 2008
12 Jan 08

today morning,my dad bought me sliced fish thick vermilice.den afternoon,i called my mum & told her i wanna eat "tau huay" den she bought me & my sis a bowl each.during da evening,my family went to compass point to eat.ltr we watched da lion dance.i went home after dat & smsed Joey again.i enjoyed chatting wif her.but after awhile she nvr replied my sms...i guess she iish either sick of me or irritated.hiax...i rly wanna noe her more by communicating wif her...hopefully she doesn't get upset...how i wish she can see dis.Joey i jus wanna noe u better & not wanna irritate u on purpose.hope dat we can become great buddies...if u dun lyk me to sms u always u can tell me & i wont.((:i gonna slp soon.buhbyes!

tadas~ @8:28 PM

Saturday, January 12, 2008
12 Jan 08

today morning,i smsed Joey & fOund out dat we hav alOt in cOmmOn.I've decided dat she'll remain as a great fren or a gd buddy tO me even if ppl try tO backstab us((:I wOke up & watch 东游记 nxt i watch da dunnOe wad shOw abOut da seniOr citizens...den i went tO change my bedsheets,pillowsheets & bOlstersheets.nxt i used the vacumn machine to vacumn da floor til its sparkling clean.den i went to bathe.after i finish eating i went to do my hmwk...damn it da A-maths was damn difficult to sOlve i wreck my brains but still could'nt sOlve sO i went tO use da cOm hOping dat One Of my classmates will on9 but nObOdy was!!!hiax guess i'll hav tO dO it tmr Or mOn!!!arghs ltr mr hO scold me!!anw i'll try tO sOlve it((:

tadas~ @6:58 PM

when i 1st met Joey

on thursday,10 Jan 08 was da 1st time I chat wif Joey frOm our class.i tink i'll nvr chat wif her if nOt fer megan.i rly thk megan fer dat((:i tink she's quite pretty & cute?!?hahas...she's sumtimes sarcastic but i'm far off wOrst den her as my sarcasm always hurt othersT.T i'm trying very hard tO change my bad habits nOw as i wanna hav mOre frenz & hOpe dat dey'll feel much mOre cOmfOrtable being tgt wif me ((: hahas...I feel dat me & Joey hav very much in cOmmOn sO maybe we'll becOme best frenz as time passes((: well she & my gan jiie tOld me dat i shldn't change myself fer da sake of others or i wOn't b me anm...i guess wad dey said make sense but dis habit iish rly bad & hurting tO b sarcastic tOwards others...sry tO thOse ppl whOm i may hav hurt but i dun mean `em dun take it tO heart kaess?cheers((: Joey lets stay as best/great frenz 4ever!!

tadas~ @6:48 PM

Friday, January 11, 2008

a few weeks ago i went to tampines mall for shopping of clothes.i went to samuel & kelvin @ tampines mall & bought 4 i.p zone ladies top wear dey costs $8.90 per piece...i tell u as long as u r a gal u'll luv it cos dey look gorgeous on every gal...den nxt week i went to buy 2 mini shorts i wanna slim down & clear my acne so dat i can become prettier well every gal wishes to b pretty so do I...hopefully access bar can burn away my fats til i'm 50kg i'll study hard fer sure...i'll try to score all A's i promise...pls god help me in jesus name I pray Amen((:

tadas~ @4:22 PM