sry for not posting for so long((: after hearing wad sn told me bout da 2012 thinggy i decided to change myself for many things.i wanna develop my own charisma...i'll change my nosey attitude...i'll speak softer...i'll try to control my anger...i'll try to accept wad ppl joke about me...i'll try to stop being sarcastic towards my frenz....i'll stop being a nuisance...i'll try to lose weight...i'll try to improve my complexion(face) to become smoother...i'll try to treat others better...i'll try to be more helpful...i'll try to be more friendly...i'll try to communicate better wif others((:anw i jus wanna change myself for a better ME...hopefully i'll hav more frenz...erm i'll oso take felicia chin as my role model she's famous for her outstanding character...her charisma attracted many ppl to b her frenz & many aspire to be lyk her...l0ls...shinign i once rly hated u for telling me da 2012 thinggy as i'm very afraid of death but now i rly wanna thk u though da 2012 thinggy has been proven to be bogus but i still wanna change myself thru wad u hav told me i rly wanna become a better person i rly appreciate it & i mean it hahas((:thks for reading:)
tadas~ @3:44 PM
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
i felt rly sad as shi ning & jian hui told me bout da year2012 doom's day thinggy...it rly hit me REAL badly as i feel dat we r all too young tuh die...we havent get da taste of REAL relationship,havent had a chance tuh use da money we exchanged wif our sweat & blOod,havent get married & hav our own children...T.T i rly feel dat its a REAL pity if doom's day jus hit us lyk dat...i'll try tuh treat da ppl around me wif luv & care...hopefully dey'll appreciate it...i wanna slim down(which i'm trying REAL hard now)& eat more healthily(so dat my pimples will reduce)...wish dat wif all my hard work i'll slim down tuh 50-54kg & become more attractive & gorgeous?may god bless us everyday & may doom's day nvr come til the late 20century...i rly dun wish tuh die...i wanna hav da taste of REAL relationship & become prettier!!!if rly hav tuh die,i'll sacrifice my life fer da world hopefully god can exchange my life fer da safety of da ppl in da world...my advice tuh everyone iish life ur everyday tuh da fullest & treat everyone niicely pls...thks fer reading tc everyone(:
tadas~ @7:01 PM
Saturday, December 01, 2007
2day i decided tuh gO tuh cp da pOpular tuh buy sOme pens & statiOneries tuh prepare fer nxt year...i lyk da stabilO exam standard pens & da highlighters dey lOok rly attractive...well tuh me maybe...i wanna gO Out & play at nite at kOu fu near my place...hOpefully can meet rachael dey all den we can play tgt i sO call lOng time nvr c dem lerhs anw wish me luck 2nite((:
tadas~ @10:59 AM
ytd was a rly enjOyable day fer me...i went tuh punggOl plaza wif my dad,sis & ah hua aunty...da 1st thing we dO dere iish gOing tuh kOu fu tuh eat...i Ordered a plate Of rOasted chicken rice...its tastes rly deliciOus when i put sOme chilli On da chicken...da sOup was rly tasty...ltr ah hua aunty said dat da plate Of chicken rice was rly tOo little tuh fill my stOmach shO i Ordered a 2nd plate...da stall hOlder gave me a bigger plate...well u must b thinking dat i cant finish dem but i did...we went tuh cash cOnverters tuh c if dere's anything tuh buy...ah hua aunty bOught a few hOrrOr mOvies...i went tuh da tOilet wif my sis & nxt we went tuh buy bubble tea...ltr we went tuh da secOnd stOrey tuh play da 20cents "gachapOn" we played til $3 each persOn((:den my dad suggest dat we take da free shuttle bus hOme but ah hua aunty reminded us dat we wanted tuh gO tuh da pasar malam & we went...i bOught a lemOn chicken wing,a bOwl Of "shark fin" sOup & 4 Otahs...ltr i felt thirsty & we went tuh a nearby cOffeeshOp...I went tuh a supermarket & bOught a bOttle Of iced lemOn tea while my sis bOught a can Of peach justea...my dad & ah hua aunty went tuh da cOffeeshOp tuh hav sOme cOffee...ltr we tOok bus tuh cOmpass pOint & went tuh da pOpular as ah hua aunty hav sOme vOuchers...she bOught a set Of cOlOur pencils,2 big bOttles Of glue & a set Of highlighters...she paid fer my stabilO exam standard pen & a highlighter...ltr we went hOme((:
tadas~ @10:44 AM