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Saturday, May 31, 2008

i rly hate acne.i wonder will my face ever b cured?i rly rly rly want bec my smooth face badly.i hope dat thru refraining frm eating heaty stuff & junk food i can prevent da outbreak of acne.i rly want a smooth face.will my parents every understand dat i rly wanna change my looks?i rly appreciate god fer my height.weight iish ok but i wanna improve as i'm lack of looks.as i dOwan live my dis life full of regrets.anw wish me luck in healing my face...

tadas~ @12:01 AM

Friday, May 30, 2008
part & parcel of teenage?

i dun lyk tuh walk near him when we go out tgt cos he owaess dun wanna buckle his shirt properly.he tink dat he hav a great figure?!?atleast buckle til cannort c chest larhs...he oso gort attitude prob.owaess yelling at me.cant he lyk speak nicely?i'll do jus da same if he does...owaess siding meii meii.sumtimes i rly wonder whether its better tuh hav a dad or nort.he owaess get cheated despite our warnings.he'll jus say "haiya!" til its too late fer regrets & den he'll b cursing & swearing.sumtimes i cant control da urge tuh disturb meii meii & sumtimes my `gan`cliques`BFFLs.iish dis part & parcel of teenage or iish it jus me?

tadas~ @11:56 PM


i loathe him.he owaess contradict me.owaess tink dat he iish rite bout everything.nvr try speaking tuh me nicely.owaess raising his voicei wonder when will dis quarrelling stop?hiax...i tend tuh act recklessly cant i jus control my mind well?y am i sho hot-tempered?i wanna b an obedient child dat everyone dotes on.i wanna b a good fren whar frenz treasure.i wanna b an outstanding child whar ppl admire.i wanna possess da inner qualities of felicia chin.i wanna b able tuh calm down & tink clearly in times anger & dun hurt da feelings of anyone.will anyone b able tuh understand da struggle dat i'm going thru tuh break free frm da old & scornful me?will dey noe wad i rly want?

tadas~ @11:49 PM

Thursday, May 29, 2008
fats arghs!

fine fine i dun deny i'm despo tuh lose weight cos i'm afraid i'll gain tonnes of weight while growing up sho i nid tuh lose weight!i'm sorwiies god i thankiiews fer giving me a healthy body & beautiful height & a ok weight but pls dun blame me fer persueing fer da better i wanna lose weight tuh become 50kg cos i tink fer my height its a perfect weight.i wanna lose weight!ganbatte kudasai!no matter wad i wanna lose weight...if u support me thks.if nort den jus shh...

tadas~ @9:36 PM


i dunnoe y but den most probably its da hormones dats causing all da pimples its rly a headache & i cant rly get rid of my habit of eating junk food lyk tidbits...i'm such a whore...my `gan`cliques`BFFLs pls horhs if u c me eating tidbits often pls stop me cos i'm rly desperate tuh hav smooth complexion lyk i hav lastime.weight iish oso a problem tuh me i'm lyk 168cm barely 5"7 i mean 170cm but den my weight iish lyk 55kg?!?tuh me its unacceptable pls pls help me!i'm rly desperate tuh become 50kg!hiax..anw sumtimes i rly wonder y do hav tuh b sho stressful wif everything ard us...studies,looks,frenz,relationship,peer pressure...if oni everything iish wad we wished fer.if oni everyone iish satisfied wif wad dey hav...gawd...my `gans`cliques`BFFLs gives me power tuh press on...cos dey hav better results den i hav...sho in order tuh b on par wif `em i've decided tuh revise & do my hols assignment properly...oso when sch re-opens,i'll pay attention in class & slp early @ nites sho i hav da energy tuh pay attention...aft seeing sho much poor results frm ppl ard me including myself...i hav woken up frm ym dream...frm dis yr onwards it'll b an impt yr every yr cos ur future rly matters.w/o a gd qualification u cannort survive in dis realistic world.sho study hard b4 its too late fer regrets.

tadas~ @4:56 PM

Wednesday, May 28, 2008
spent my night @ meii's hse ytd.

ytd went tuh sch fer chem extra lessons.kinda had fun cos we had our lesson on in dance room sho dere's air-con due tuh our class partition being separated.chatt-ed wif guiqin & was sarcastic tuh joey cos yeah jus trying tuh motivate her tuh b realistic.yup.anw went tuh dawn meii's hse aft dat & spent da nite dere cos my mum & sis went tuh m'sia w/o me cos dey said dat da custom would b v.crowded as it iish da peak hours.had cawanmushi(spelt wrongly),fried chicken wings & of cos rice fer breakfast made by meii's mum.ok larhs.den slack ard.den did maths assignment den went home...hiax...

tadas~ @7:47 PM

Sunday, May 25, 2008
things dat i wanna do during dis Jun Hols!

dere r few things dat i rly wanna do during dis jun hols:

shopping wif ling jiie,loli meii & dawn meii

revising & brushing up of my studies

jogging wif dawn meii tuh lose weight & boost stamina rollerblading

tadas~ @10:04 PM

24 may 08

on fri me,loli meii & dawn meii went cp shop shop aft sch cos i wanna buy da converse all star sch shoes wif grey stripes on its side cos tuh me its design quite niice but quite ex cos $39.90 lehs near tuh $40 alr.it wad ard 9am++ when we reach-ed dere sho we shop fer lyk ard an hour b4 da converse shop open-ed.den dawn meii's mum called her ask her go sch take report bk cos actually she nid ptm but her mum called her ft sho dunnid lerhs & oso i 4gotten tuh hand in da malacca trip consent form sho we went bec aft i bot my shoes.den its lyk sho crazy cos we went tuh da staff's room several time but mdm rositah wasnt dere sho we went ard da sch tuh find her but no available.sho she suggest-ed going tuh general office tuh ask if mdm rositah was still in da sch.den mdm jasbir said she was in da hall pinning up things.sho we went dere but nobody was dere we loiter-ed ard den dawn meii saw mrs ali & ask-ed her gort saw mdm rositah anorts den we were told dat she was in AVA theatre sho went dere wah seh she was rly dere thankiiews alot mrs ali.den went home & slept lyk a pig...actually nort rly cos da weather iish too humid den din rly slp fer long =x ironical rites?i noe.

tadas~ @9:41 PM


i started tuh paint my dorm on fri.@ 1st i tot it was quite fun but aft sat i realise-d its pure hardwork fer gals.cos u gotto noe how much strength tuh use on da rollers tuh paint da room or else u'll find urself cover-ed in paint.u can imagine how i look lyk when i finish-ed painting.a hilarious sight.paint was all over me.my clothes,my face,my arms,my calves,my feets.u nid tuh noe how much paint tuh & da amt of water u nid tuh add in order tuh b a $$ saver.u got tuh paint da same spot several times cos u'll c da previous colour if u dun.anw i can complete painting my dorm by tmr or tues i guess.dats all buhbyes.

tadas~ @9:33 PM


actually plann-ed tuh go shopping @ bugis wif mummy & meii meii.but den cos of sum reasons which i wont elaborate on meii meii dOwan go alr...den i & mummy cycle tuh compass den park-ed bike dere.its still dere now.LOLs.den erm horhs mummy go get down @ boon keng den i was damn furious cos she go dere eat say wad aft dat den go.i was sho fume-d dat when she ask-ed me wad i wanna eat i shout-ed I DOWAN EAT I WANT GO BUGIS ONI!den she gave me $20 ask-ed me enuff anorts i jus grab & left.den she chase-d aft me i dunnoe cos i listening tuh music til she pull-ed my shirt & ask-ed me wanna eat anorts but i said NO & went tuh MRT-ed.reach-ed bugis den shopp-ed ard den go c shades cos she gave me $$ tuh buy shades.look fer a loong time b4 deciding which tuh buy.bot 1 wif rly cool lens well atleast tuh me its cool.but da "frame" v.aunty but nvm cos i oni care bout da lens & da main role of shades iish da lens.den went home.sianx...

tadas~ @9:21 PM


thu was da last day of sch & i was lyk deadbeat cos cant slp due tuh da sweltering weather which i hope can go bec tuh normal lyk lastime cos its seriously too hot tuh take it & especially when i dun own a air-con @ home...nort in da rite state of mind tuh study cos of da malacca trip.but den i alr made a promise tuh myself & dat iish tuh revise,recap & brush up on my studies cos though i gort 4th in class position & 72nd in lv position it wasnt gd enuff cos i feel dat i din rly do my best & besides i deproved my overall performance was lyk 61% sho damn lousy cos i deteriorated but improved in positions cos many ppl still in deir dreamy mood.i'm sure dey wake up sho i must study hard tuh keep pace wif `em.den aft sch during thu plann-ed tuh go bball wif loli meii but went home change 1st.aft dat i sms-ed her den she cor me go meet her & ling jiie sho i did.den sho funny luhs i kept teasing ling jiie sorwiies arhs no offence jus kidding.den we stand outside banquet fer lyk 10mins dunnoe whar tuh go den say wad ppl bald?!?den went metro ROFL!den went home cos ling jiie's cousin called her.

tadas~ @9:08 PM

Wednesday, May 21, 2008
malacca trip.

sianx...today da announcement bout malacca i sho damn happy.den end up mdm rositah told us postponed tuh oct18~19.haix..sad..nvm @least i noe my per*** aint on dat date den sure hav fun!sho happy cos mdm rositah allowed us tuh share room wif our frenz.den i sharing room wif ling jiie & guiqin.hahas.den we talk talk talk.shop shop shop.den v.shuang hahas.anw...hope da m'sia gvt wont fite wif s'pore gvt alr.& hope i score well fer E-O-Y den can hav lOads of fun.yay!

tadas~ @6:33 PM

went tuh hm wif dad & meii.

today dad siaox siax go call me when i in class den my fone vibrate lyk mad.thkfully i gort set silent worhs.den cor again.LOLs.den i aft sch chiong home cos dad & meii meii waiting fer me tuh go tuh hougang mall tgt wif `em cos i wanna buy 3 adidas da body spray fer women cos dat day i bot rites ytd my meii meii go & spray lyk 1/2 da bottle on her baby pooh.i was dulan luhs but den i noe dad today take pay sho i asked him buy fer me he straight away agree.sho happy.den sho funny can i go dat coffeeshop den dey go kopitiam.den i go kopitiam dey go coffeeshop.LOLs.my meii meii bot mix-ed veg rice hurhs $1.70 nia.i ate tomyam sliced fish soup wif rice damn niice.oso share-d a bowl of chendol.den bus-ed home.tmr planning go loli meii's hse play bball.♥♥♥

tadas~ @6:11 PM


sumtimes i'm jus putting on a smile tuh hide my tearing face.sumtimes i luff when i'm actually bleeding deep down inside but i wanna hide my tears.i rly dunnoe wads on ur mind.or shld i say u dunnoe me well enuff.true frenz dun make use of each other but dis iish wad i tink u r doing tuh me.sumtimes i doubt my existence in dis world.i'm lack of looks & brains & maybe even dun even hav da knowledge of how tuh treat my frenz well.haix...

tadas~ @6:04 PM

Monday, May 19, 2008
hp curse.

i decided tuh post bout dis nort cos of fun.i jus received a call from my relative.he iish a matured adult.he told my dad nort tuh ans any unknown calls @ nite aft 10pm cos it may b da curse dat he iish talking about & it endangers ur life.aft answering tuh dat unknown call u'll die.its no harm in believing & its up tuh u whether tuh believe or nort.cos its ur life.& erm da caller's no. usually appears as red.i dunnoe whether tuh believe it or norts i `ban xin ban yi` larhs cos jh did a research alr it seems tuh b a prank played by a teenager frm i'sia which den dis msg iish sent tuh m'sia den s'pore.den many ppl add things which r nort true tuh dis fact dat made it sho serious.but den u believe anorts its up tuh u.

tadas~ @7:04 PM

Sunday, May 18, 2008
had a great day!

today woke up @ ard 8.30am & watched tv til 11.30am den rest.bathed & packed my bagpack b4 riding tuh dawn meii's hse.in a real bad mood cos of wad happened @ home.watch-ed tv.went tuh her kitchen & she open-ed da fridge & i saw 3 milo bars.& i said wow & she gave me 1 sho sweet.quite tasty!hahas den we watch-ed da halin sch's show dey cook sushi meii oso wanna cook den gort ingredients sho we did.den while waiting fer da rice tuh cook we ate a big pack of lays bbq flavour.meii cook-ed da rice & mix-ed it wif vinegar.& she prepare-d da crabstick fer she herself & her bro & i prepare-d mine.sho niice cos mine gort alot mayo hahas((:den we decided tuh go fer running cos i ate too much.we ran aft dat walk-ed tuh anchorvale swimming complex wah seh its lyk sho niice.den meii & i decided tuh sneak inside cos its nort officially open-ed.it looks lyk wild wild wet.nxtime sure go dere!den we walk-ed home aft exploring anchorvale cc.rest & bid farewell.hahas.niice day.going tuh her hse tmr((:

tadas~ @10:01 PM


sumtimes when too much things happens it makes one becomes hard-hearted & dat person cannort b blamed fer it.

tadas~ @12:27 PM

i'm sho vexed!

I wonder if anyone rly understands me or nort?maybe i'm jus lyk talking tuh myself since nobody bothers tuh read my blog.aiyah i oso dOwan ask anyone visit my blog cos its lyk forcing `em tuh noe me better.i hec care alr.wanna partner who all dese.everybody hav rites tuh partner who dey want.i dOwan `qiang ren suo nan` alr.anw dis iish supposed tuh b a trip tuh relax.okaasan owaess ask me b guai b guai.hav u every tot of urself when u were young r u guaii?u told me once u werent sho dun keep kbing me.idiot.tink wad everything u do iish rite arhs?all u noe iish use violence no wonder we oso sho violence learnt from U!& u imooto tink wad u still small arhs?act spastic.childish!i use ur hp tuh buy habbo credits sho wad?i gort wrong sho?din u did da same tuh me too lastime?i'm merely taking my revenge.u oso took okaasan's hp buy habbo credits wad?my hp gort $$ means u can use arhs?wad crap?& u otoosan go tell okaasan wad crap ytd?she had took bec da 60ringgit i was intending tuh bring tuh m'sia.when da date nearers she surely will cut da price one luhs cos of u knn.ass larhs i alr tolerate wif dis family fer a long time alr luhs!u tink its sho easy tuh change y dun u try?i rly wonder sumtimes wad did i do in da past tuh deserve family lyk u all.

tadas~ @11:56 AM

Saturday, May 17, 2008

this quiz was given tuh me by my fren sho here's my ans(u can post `em @ ur blog too):
1)at wad age do u wish do get married?
hmm...i dunnoe let nature take its course.i believe in "yuan fen"(fate).
2)who iish more impt tuh u frenz or stead?
LOLs.i dun hav a stead sho frenz.even if i hav frenz r still my ans cos stead nvr last 4ever((:
3)who iish da person u trusted most?
hmm...my mum owaess nort tuh trust ppl.but den i trust gladys jiie,ling jiie,loli meii,ning meii,yvonne meii,dawn meii,huiting,mich meii...(sorwiies gort more den 1 ans).
4)do u tink u r confident?
nah.if i'm i wont b saying dat i wanna change.^^
5)if u hav a wish dat will come true wad will it be?
tuh hav unlimited wishes =x
6)which part of u do u tink attracts ppl tuh u?
i dunnoe.cos ppl attracts me nort i attract ppl.hahas.
7)do u believe in 4ever?
yeah.duh if nort i did i mentioned 4ever `gans`cliques`BFFLs?
8)do u believe in eternal lurbbe?
9)hav u broke sumone's heart dat he/she tried tuh commit suicide?
nah.i'm too kind tuh do sho.especially i'm trying real hard tuh treat ppl ard me better((:
10)wad r da requirements fer ur partner?
too many =x
11)wad feeling do u lurbbe most?
da feeling when i'm wif my `gans`cliques`BFFLs^^
12)wad feelings do u loathe most?
when ppl i lurbbe r hurt.when i'm hurt or vexed.
13)do u cherish ur friendships?
of cos.its lyk duh.
14)do u believe in god?
15)wads da most impt part of ur life?
16)who cares fer u da most?
gladys jiie.
17)decribe da person dat last tagged u in 5 words.
18)wad did u regret nort doing?
being a men?cos women hav periods.
19)if time could rewind wad would u want it tuh be?
disaster & crime free world.
20)how intelligent am i?
i'm nort sure but my iq iish 129.

tadas~ @10:24 PM


I'm super duper vexed now.1stly cos of my poor academics.2ndly about my jiie & meii having a cold war.3rdly about da trip tuh malacca,it may nort turn out da way i wished it would.i hope can sit wif jiie & gq if possible wif sl oso.but i'm sure will end up jiie & her dearie tgt.nvm barhs den i sit wif gq(:maybe i shld jus sit alone...other things i rly wanna do tgt wif jiie & `cliques.dats all.many issues r running thru my tots now.*sigh*...wadever.anw i'm used tuh being left alone.or maybe its jus me dats tinking too much.

♠charisma:dis iish jus wad i'm tinking of rite now.may change.i owaess tink too much dats wad my `meiis tell me.

tadas~ @10:09 PM

converse all star canvas shoes((:

went tuh compass wif my sis today tuh get my converse all star canvas shoes which cost oni $39.90 u.p.$65.90 sho i saved quite alot((:i planned tuh buy da pink canvas shoes but da shop attendant said dat dey oni hav size 5 fer dat colour.i was nort rly disappointed cos i guess dat design was lyk kinda plain?i told dat shop attendant dat i needed size 9 fer da black shoes wif prints on it.she said oni gort size 7.i was lyk awww.den i asked about da black shoes wif pink stripes.she said dats da last pair size 5.i was lyk ok.den i told her dat i wanna try size 7 fer dat 2nd shoe dat i picked.guess wad?its jus lyk my trail sneakers' size.i was lyk ok.den i bot it.aft checking i realised dat size 7 fer guys iish size 9 fer women.no wonder it fits my feets.sho glad.hmm...gotto save til 2nd week of jun den can buy converse all star sch shoes wif grey stripes.will try tuh save asap.


tadas~ @3:38 PM

Friday, May 16, 2008
had a fun day((:

aft dat.loli meii said her ncdcc cap at hougang mall cos sent fer dry cleaning.sho she called her mum den ask-ed wanna go anorts.den ask-ed me along.den went tuh board bus 27.saw eesing & huiyu but nvr said hi cos we lyk strangers.paiseh arhs.reach-ed.1st we went collect dat ncdcc cap.den went tuh adjust loli meii's specs.den shop-ped ard.den went tuh 4th storey eat.we sit wif 1 stranger.den oni gort 3 seats.but we nid 4.dat uncle finished his food.den ltr buy another plate come bec.i was lyk wtf?loli meii's mum bot wanton mee fer me & loli.loli's bro bot omelete fried rice.wah gd thing dat uncle finished v.fast.den when aunty came bec gort seat alr.den ryan go buy drinks fer me-greentea,loli-grassjelly & himself-f&n grape.den i wanna go look fer shoes & loli meii,ryan & deir mum acc.den end up loli meii bot a pair of sch shoes instead of me buying -.- lols.den i suddenly said bout da adidas perfume den loli meii told me gort sell den we immediately go c.i bot da fruity rhythm fer women.sho cheap $3.60 oni.3 fer $10 sho cheap nxtime gonna buy again.hahas had a fun day^^

tadas~ @10:23 PM


went tuh loli meii's hse.den i tot dawn meii joining us in da bball game but she said she buy ice-pop den go home cos her mum call-ed & said dat she's going tuh work den stylus nobody tc sho gotto go home T.T den me & loli meii acc her go buy ice-pop.den she bot 1 fer me & loli meii.thankiiews ^^ wah seh nobody seh.suddenly sho many ppl fighting fer our court.=.=lll den gort one act lian char bo come say ehs i join u all arhs...me & loli meii oso nvr agree den she jus play-ed match wif us-.-lll den i was lyk ok nvm.but she damn rough can?scold wad "cheebye" , "fuck" aiyah two words.uncouth & lian.say wad friendly match den keep playing rough.lols.den loli meii say yeah wad friendly match den dey `diam diam` i was lyk yeah yeah!wtf luhs dat "lian" go bang into loli meii jus tuh win causing her tuh hurt her eye balls.tmd larhs ass.our court lehs.den aft match dat lian go play rubik's den loli meii teach a kid infront of da "lian".she was lyk impressed can?cos loli meii solved.den went tuh loli meii's hse.

tadas~ @10:11 PM

my converse all star pink canvas shoes.

when i'm in sch today i rly wished dat sch would end soon cos i'm rly looking 4ward tuh buying my converse all star pink canvas shoes.v.niice can?well atleast i tink sho.aft sch when tuh meet up wif dawn meii & loli meii & huiting cos cant find ning meii.yup went tuh board da lrt tgt.reach-ed.den i quickly dragged my meiis tgt wif me tuh da converse shop.sho disappointing cos nvr open =.=lll but nvm cos tmr aft 1pm open alr.den i'm gonna get my shoes.

yeah tmr's miss loh's b'day((:

tadas~ @10:06 PM

Thursday, May 15, 2008

sho sad siax...ytd i asked loli meii acc me go bugis st den end up she cor me say dOwan go shop disappointed.den i cor dawn meii she said her mum dun let her go out...sobbs.den i cor yvonne meii she said gort guitar lesson...i was lyk ok...den end up i go dere myself...bot a zinc bag...hmm bargained fer da 1st time.hehex was a success((:da bag quite niice larhs well @ least i tink sho.wah seh bugis da things damn cheap can?sho affordable & trendy.den jus now ling jiie msg-ed me saying she oso going malacca sho happy((:can shop shop shop & shop.i decided go liaos cos dun go wasted.den we had a loooooong chat on da fone.sho fun siax((:shall nort go on more bout da details.looking 4ward tuh da trip tuh malacca((:

tadas~ @6:05 PM

Friday, May 09, 2008

lOls!i cant believe it exams r finally over!but den i'll b rly emO when i gOrt bec da papers cOs im quite clear dat i wOnt dO as well as i did fer CA.anw whO cares its over nOw its nOrt lyk u can turn bec da time((:lit was pretty okay...but den i wrOte v.lil' fer 2 qns...i used 4 papers bOth sides...osO scared ltr outta pOint...ohwells its over.hiax...nOw i'm hesitating whether tuh gO tuh dis trip tuh malacca anOrts.lyk v.fun lyk dat especially wif mavis,stacie,guiqing,aminah,luqman dey all.wads mOre gort shOpping lehs cant wait.i'm a shOpping fanatic althOugh u cant tell.den shO many yummy fOod.sOunds fun lehs.but i've gOrt alOt wOrries.c hOw it gOes & i'll make my decision when da date nearers.mOst imptly scared lOse passpOrt den cant cOme bec..."AHHHHHHH!"anw enjOy ur hOls & party all da way lyk mrsng said hahas!

tadas~ @4:26 PM

Thursday, May 08, 2008
all da best((:

heyoos all art students gratz u hav ended ur exams.best wishes fer all lit students tmr cos tmr iish da last paper.yay!gawd.dis iish da 1st time i feel sho depressed cos of da maths.da more i tot about it da more i'm afraid tuh get bec my results as i'm bound tuh do badly in `em.anw no point brooding over `em cos its alr over & dere's nth i can do luhs...other den revising my work everyday & ask when in doubt,most imptly pay attention in class.i'll prepare well fer da nxt coming exams cos i wanna do well & b promoted tuh sec 4 exp nxt year woots ((: all da best peepos((:

tadas~ @12:40 PM

Wednesday, May 07, 2008
sho sho sorwiies.

Hav it ever occurs tuh u how it feels lyk tuh change urself?I can tell u its challenging cos i've been thru it.guess i havent changed much.still as reckless sho rly gotto change but i nid more time til december.cos i nid tuh b able tuh control my temper cos i flare up sho easily omost at anything...i owaess disturb my sis wreaking havoc in da family.hiax.15 alr still sho imature.i'll try tuh clear my tots b4 doing anything foolish nxtime.ning meii rmb remind me worhs.dOwan make my `gans`cliques`BFFLs upset alr.guess sometimes its rly hard tuh accept negative comments but i guess its true.dats all.huiting,dawn,szemin,huiqi,lindsey,esther all da best fer ur Art exams tmr.hope u'll do well.rest well♥♥♥

tadas~ @7:45 PM


gawd.flunk a total of 3 subjects.infact,i think dat i'll do better fer social studies compared tuh maths which was supposed tuh b my strongest subject.i flunk e-maths paper 2,a-maths & chem.e-maths paper 2 was kinda difficult fer da 1st time i started tuh hate maths & questioned myself whether if i'm rly gd at it at all.perhaps its rly rite.`xue xi ru ni shui xing zhou,bu jin ze tui`.dis saying iish nvr wrong.practice rly makes perfect.seems lyk i rly hav tuh work hard now.i realised dat i nvr rly pay attention in class.ohwells will slp early in da future sho dat i can stay awake tuh pay attention sho dat i'll do well.u all must too.ganbatte kudasai♥♥♥lit was pretty ok.fri iish da last paper.

tadas~ @6:48 PM

Monday, May 05, 2008
i dunnoe who i'm.

hmm sorwiies fer everything.gawd.am i gonna die soon.i owaess feel giddy & my vision becomes blurriie w/o any rhyme or reason.& & sumtimes my heart lyk burning lyk dat dunnoe y.lastime when i was young i went tuh play blind mice wif my frenz all smaller den me.we went tuh da amusement park behind prime mart den i was sho close tuh being catched sho i jump down da metal bar.da metal bar hit my ribcage & & i was badly hurt.til now da ribcage still c lyk popping out compared tuh another side.u feel it u'll noe.ohwells maybe i hurt my organs.sumtimes i dun even rly understand myself.hiax...i'm v.inferior being wif gals which r gd-looking cos i hav lots of acne & & i'm sho fat.cant i b lyk anyone else hav a smooth complexion face all dis?!?i rly wanna slim down.u may qn y i wanna do sho.my ans iish v.simple i dOwan live my dis life as a ugly woman & i dOwan waste dis life.i owaess believe "tian sheng wo cai,bi you yong" but now i dunnoe if its true anymore.does anyone understands how i feel?

tadas~ @3:47 PM